Friday, April 22, 2011

Inspiration - Penny De Los Santos

It's funny how things sometimes come together... I'm currently reading "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan and I'm really interested in this idea of food as a chiefly cultural and social affair as opposed to a means of losing or gaining weight. {This book is making me realize that I define food almost entirely by it's calorie/carb content and not it's many other components.}
Anyway, today I stumbled upon the work of Penny De Los Santos - a photojournalist and food photographer. I love her work and the way she reveals so much about her subjects in the foods present in different cultures.

Take a look at a video here on the blog cannell et vanille.

Her website is worth some time going through photos - Penny De Los Santos.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Penny's video and website both very interesting. I have always been interested in the social, environmental, and spiritual connections of food and eating, and now the photographic side of it. Have a wonderful week.
