Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Magic of Photoshop

To see a very interesting slideshow of models' faces before and after photoshop retouching, click here for the Jezebel article.


  1. Very interesting, had fun watching it. Thanks for sharing. How was class on Thursday? Any bus wraps? I'm stuck on that one.

  2. I'm glad you liked the video; I thought it was pretty interesting! You were missed on Thursday! We saw the finished milk cartons and they were quite impressive. Then we did a quick view of everyone's progress on the bus wraps. Safe to say we were all in the early stages of design and I think Joe is expecting more out of us this week. :l I think I'm finally getting to a concept that I like, but making it a reality with my {lacking} photoshop skills is a little frustrating. But, I guess I'll give it my best!
    Do you have a concept for the bus? That's what takes me the longest to get...
    Hope you're feeling better!
